Custom Software Development Cost

Custom software development is software that is specially designed for any specific user or organization. This type of software is created for specific purposes by a third party. Custom software variety of factors that define the cost in Bangladesh. You can't directly estimate the custom software development cost in Bangladesh. To know the exact details you must research and study all the aspects of custom software. 

In this article, you will find out the different factors of custom software with the cost that will determine the cost of building a custom solution. Its cost depends on its type, size, features, design complexity, integration, and so on. After studying all the details of this article, It may help you to estimate your budget for custom software development in Bangladesh.

Importance of Custom Software Development Cost

  • Budgeting- when you can get a clear idea about custom software development costs, you can easily make a budget for your development process. If you leave money from your budget, you can make it useful for other sectors like advertising and more.

  • Money-saving- custom development estimates can save your money and time. If you don't know about the cost you need in development, you may have to invest more after different factors which can cause trouble. So you should make your way clear by having a clear estimate of custom software development cost so that you invest needed money and others invest in other needed sectors.

  • Choosing your project team- Professional developers can make convenient custom software. You can save some money from your budget and make them useful for choosing the best project team for development.

Average Cost of Custom Software Development in Bangladesh

If you want your estimate in short answer, you may need to spend around 300000 to 1500000 BDT. Here the cost is estimated by counting the price in all the sectors like factors, features, design, software size, software type, complexity, developer, etc. If you need middle size Complex software you may need 8 lakh taka to spend though smaller software will cost you less. To know more about your budget estimate, you should go through all the factors to decide your requirement for your custom software development will give you a clear idea of where you spend your money.

Costs Depend on Software Size

Software size is an important factor in the final figure of custom software development. The larger size you need the more money you need to invest. First, you'll have to figure out the size of your software. Here size determines the number of screens or pages you need for your project. The screen you need the more needs to be done and the more you expand money. There is three sizer software. Small, medium, and large.

  • Small size software- a small software has 10- 15 screens. It may cost you 80000 to 400000 BDT.

  • Medium Custom Software- it has 25-45 screens which may cost you 400000 to 10 lakh, Taka. 

  • Large Size Software- it may have more than 40 screens and will cost you more than 10 lakh BDT.

What Impacts the Cost of Custom Software? 

Behind the pricing of the system software, many factors directly impact the cost of software in Bangladesh. Understanding every factor which helps you to go a step further to estimate the cost accurately. Every factor has its importance in development and a specific price related to it that brings the pieces all together and makes a final figure of price. The factors are given below

  • Software Complexity

  • Creative Design

  • Integration with Other Devices

  • Software Solution Functionality

  • Migration of Existing Data

Software Complexity

Software complexity has a great role in the pricing of custom software development services as it needs more time testing, coding, unique features like face recognition, data analysis, etc. So the cost is naturally more than any other software. The more Complex and user-friendly software you want the more you have to pay. If you want to add a powerful UI and other features that other software doesn't, these all are factors of the software complexity. You may have to spend the most money on other factors.

Creative Design

When we build a house the first thing we do is decorate our house, color the wall so that it looks good. Exactly like this when you develop a custom software you have to focus on its design because this is what will attract the users to stay in the software. The design makes the software impressive where the developer needs to use their creative design skill. Creative design takes more time and effort. The more creative design you want, the more workload will increase for the designer, and with this amount of money will increase.

Integration with Other Devices

This factor can bring different challenging variety in the software that can impact the costume software cost. It can bring unknown variables into the mix. Depending on the system, different system integration has different price ranges. Some integration is easy to integrate with such as payment integration systems like PayPal but some are challenging. The legacy system, API programming, Migration of database data are examples of difficult ones where you will need an expert team to help this out, and obviously, here the cost of your project will increase.

Migration of Existing Data

Migration is a process that moves existing data into the new software. It is a straightforward process as two systems store data differently. You have existing data and you need it to move to your new software then it is best for you. You have a lot of data sets you have to think of the cost also. The process of writing the script, testing, and adjustment will take more time and effort which will increase the money of your project with the final figure of the cost of custom software development in Bangladesh.


There is no direct answer to what is the cost of custom software development in Bangladesh? The price depends on required features, factors, sizes, etc. You have to go through and consider these factors. Hopefully, we are successful in giving you enough ideas to estimate the cost of custom software in Bangladesh. You can also take the help of a developer team or the best software development companies in Bangladesh. They will lead you and help you to build your software at reasonable prices with superb quality to understand your requirements first and give you a solution within your budget.

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